Updated Dec 26, 1999

FORMAL  PICTURES - 67 in all, listed by first name

Allison Davis              Becky LeClair        Bill Brauner            Bill McAllister
Bob Shaw                   Bob MacLean        Carol Johnson       Chris Auber
Chris Baumgardner   Cindy Carpenter Cindy Smith            Connie Sandberg
Connie Tuttle             Craig Bowcock     Curt Dickinson       Danny Cuneo
Dewey Williams         DonnaGrabau      DonnaMcChesney   Doug Sameit
Faber Eaves               Helen Nivinson     Jan Stephen            Jerry Grady
Jim Howell                Jim Ferguson        Jim Williamson      John Koski
John Musser             John Prudell          Jr Munoz               Karla Kosling
Karen Hamada          KathyHymans       LesliePrindle           Linda Curtis
Lynn Evans                Martha Cummin  MarieUnquera       Mike Maher  
Mikki Guerrero         MilesReiter            Mr. Cook                Mr. Gilkey
Mr.Walker                Nancy Byroads       Noland Hubley       Norm Heistand
Olive Schad               Pat Amato             Pat McNelis            Pete Snyder
Randy Minnon          RonTalmage          RossGadeberg        SherrieBlack
Shirley Jones             Sidney Milovina     Sonia Brickert        Steve Borgwardt
Sue Blair                    Sue Dombrowski   Terry Roselli          Tom DePew
Tom Duncan             Walter Gates

School Groups
Huff                                          Loyola                       Oak
The Blach Bumbs                The Bubb Club       The Graham Guys &Gals
The Saturday Game Group Picture (with spouses)                                The Game (without spouses)

Dinner table groups
Table1   Table 2     Table 3      Table4     Table5      Table 6
Table7   Table 8     Table 9      Table10   Table 11    Table12   Table 13

Coaches          The Cake            Becky Speaks     Dancers         Pat & Jan     Linda & Lynn
Two Cute         Bob& Jackie      Jim& Bruce          Groupof 7      TheWALL     Cindy& Ruth

Lynn& Linda           The Hubley's              5 Fun Gals                Smiling Friends           Sue & Karla
Carol& Karen          Dewey& Friends       JanSherrie & Pat     Gradys& Cooks           KarenShirley & Ken

Monty,Jim, Pete                   Cindy John & Jan                         Dewey Mike & Liv     Craig  Rick Pete
Carol's Dance Class           Sonia,Sherrie, Donna, Pat          Randy & Munoz'       3 for Breakfast

Cindy Nancy Bonnie Chris                   Kathy Danny Martha Leslie     Karen Mikki Pat Audy
Teachers Presented w/ Class Gift       Deweythe Photographer          Allison Danny Bonnie Cindy

THANK YOU ! - Many of you havetaken the time to write to say thank you for the pictures on the websitefor you to see.

Disclaimer - No offense is meant inlisting the women's maiden names nor the fact that I had to put some ?marks up for some names. Just send any corrections. My email address

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