1st row - Dave
Titus, Linette Sprague, Ralph Swaley, Max Dauner, Ron
Talmage, Cathy Vierra, Casey Barton, Bart Douglas, Dorothy Cuneo
2nd row -Gail
Eckel, Karen Lambert, Jim Howell, Susie Clark,
Sorensen, Ruth Baker, Merril Terdin, Marni Webb, Ken Jaffe
3rd row - Mike
Doro, Sue Molay, Ron Demele, Linda Smale, teacher, Carolyn
Conti, Bill Jeffers, Jan Rasmussen, Randy Carlson
4th row - JimMatthews
, Lory Cheney, Cheryl Dewey, Dewey Williams
This page was scanned from the '67 yearbook so the quality is not too
good. Anyone know the unknowns? Email me.